KwanYin Temple
Picture Gallery
Click on the thumbnails to see a bigger version of each picture. It will display in a new window. Close it to come back to this page. They are presented in a roughly chronological order, the most recent first. I am sorry I can't provide sources for the pictures because they were collected here and there on the Web, without premeditation as it were...
Some of these pictures were edited using Photoshop, and I can't resist presenting one spectacular special effect along with the original one. Enjoy!
We are honoured by Chenrezig's presence, Kwan Yin's Tibetan, masculine equivalent. Just like hers, his mantra is Om Mani Padme Hum. The Dalai Lama is considered to be an emanation of Chenrezig, Bodhisattva of Compassion. Notice the myriad of arms, each one poised to help a different sentient being, and the rainbow conch shell in His hands.
Sister Deities
The Temple of Kwan Yin is also honored by the presence of Her sister deities. Click on each thumnail to see a bigger view of the picture, and on the link below to go to one of the many World Wide Web pages where they dwell. Each one of these Goddesses is known for immediately coming to the help of anyone who invokes them with a sincere heart.
Hope to see you again!SanctuaryPresentationWebrings
Last Updated Jan 2002